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Setup your DNS within Seconds with our DNS Wizard!

Let's be honest, DNS isn't the easiest thing. We've build a Wizard that helps you setup your:

- Primary or Slave server
- Configure WEB and E-mail
- And even tells you what to tell your registar!

Primary or Slave? 

Simple, just select the option that suits your situation.

Configure your DNS Web settings

Enter the IP of your webserver OR forward to a URL.

Configure DNS Mail settings

Besides easily redirecting your mail to your own or other server.
PowerDNS hosting comes standard with the Google Mail setting. Just one click and it's done!

Change the settings at your registar

While you're working in the Wizard our system automatically checks your current registar.
When done, PowerDNS Hosting tells you exactly what to send them in order to help your get your DNS changes done. 

Alert E-mail

Configuration saved and Registar informed? The PowerDNS Hosting wizzard informs you via Email that all is well!